Dibujo Lápiz Carbón

img_1197-1viveza3-1dibujo lapiz carbon
img_4178-1dibujo lapiz carbon
_mg_4340-1dibujo lapiz carbon
_dsc7223-1 pen and ink crosshatch
_dsc7224-1 pen and ink crosshatch
_dsc7265-1pen and ink crosshatch
_dsc7289-1pen and ink crosshatch
_dsc7612-1pen and ink crosshatch
dsc03835-1pen and ink crosshatch
dsc04045-1dove shadow
dsc04155-1pen and ink crosshatch
dsc05060-1 pen and ink crosshatch
img_1278-1 pen and ink crosshatch
img_1442-1pen and ink crosshatch
img_3386-1 pen and ink crooshatch img5
img_3393-1 pen and ink crosshatch
img_3397-1 pen and ink crosshatch
img_3403-1 pen and ink crosshatch
img_3825-1pen and ink crosshatch
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